Guiones cinematográficos

Reservoir Dogs

ISBN: 9780571202799

Autor: Quentin Tarantino

Editorial: Faber & Faber


When Reservoir Dogs burst upon the screen in 1992, it announced the arrival of one of the most charismatic and audacious voices in cinema today.

Reservoir Dogs is the story of a heist gone wrong, and how the group of outlaws concerned are subsequently undone in the course of their search for the enemy within.

Quentin Tarantino uses words like bullets and writes with a propulsive energy that is compellingly readable. As always with Tarantino, the style of the storytelling is restlessly inventive, showcasing not only his fine ear for frank and foul-mouthed dialogue but also his grasp of formal structure, comparable to that of the smartest crime novelists.


Malditos bastardos

ISBN: 9788439721994

Autor: Quentin Tarantino

Editorial: Mondadori

Páginas: 256

Precio: 16’90 €


En el contexto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se narra la venganza de Shoshanna Dreyfus, una judía perseguida por el coronel Hans Landa de las SS, apodado el Cazador de judíos, quien asesinó a toda la familia de ésta. Así mismo, y en otra línea argumental paralela también está la historia de un grupo de soldados judeoamericanos a las órdenes del teniente Aldo Raine seleccionados para sembrar de terror la Francia ocupada.
